miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010

semnificatia tatuajelor

In societatea de astazi o multime de oamenti au tendinta de a-si face o parere proasta despre tatuaje. Multi oameni cand vad pe cineva cu multe tatauje isi fac o parere proasta despre persoana respectiva fara a stii semnificatia tatuajelor.

Cei care isi fac tatuaje sunt la fel ca ceilalti doar ca au un puternic sentiment interior de afirmare, sau de aratare a sentimentelor.

Oamenii nu se tem sa isi arate tatuajele deoarece acestea au fost facute dintr-un motiv intemeiat si au o anumita semnificate, ele vorbesc despre persoana respectiva.

Majoritatea care decid sa se uite in psihologia celor cu tatuaje ii asociaza cu criminali si ii studiaza ca si cum ar fii niste sobolani intr-o cusca.

Contrar aceste opinii pe care o au multi specialisti, cei care au tatuaje sunt acolo sa-si exprime libertatea prin elaborarea de desene sau modele pe propriul corp şi, de asemenea, prin explicarea semnificatiei tataujelor.

Chiar daca acestia sunt sau nu cum cred altii, ei arata ca apartin unui anumit grup sau de clan, sau omagiaza pe cineva drag care a parasit lumea noastra – intodeauna exista un motiv in spatele semnificatiei tataujelor.

Psihologii care studiaza persoanele cu tatuaje vor incerca intodeauna sa patrunda in mintea acestora, lucru foarte greu de obtinut.

De sute de ani semnificatia tatuajelor au fost întotdeauna o întrebare din punct de vedere psihologic, in trecut majoritatea oameniilor asociau tatuajele cu criminali.

Chiar daca majoritatea criminalilor au tatuaje, sunt la fel de multi oameni importanti ai lumii care au la randul lor tatuaje.

Cei care si-au facut tatuaj au avut un motiv intemeiat sa-si faca tatuaj, altfel nu si-ar fi facut.

Reputatai semnificatiei tataujelor a crescut de-a lungul aniilor, fapt pentru care tot mai multe persoane isi fac tatuaje, fapt care dovedeste simbolul tataujului si semnificatia acestuia.

Chiar daca unele semnificatii pentru tatuaje pot fii putin infricosatoare, ele au fost create in trecut si nu mai reflecta bine persoana respectiva – semnificatia tatuajelor realizate in trecut poate fii reflexia viitorului…

ambigrameTatuaje ambigrame – Un motiv crescand in lumea tatuajelor este ambigrama — O figura grafica care poate fii intoarsa, pusa in oglinda sau inversata, totusi oricum te-ai uita la ea se citeste la fel. Cateodata la ambigrama se mai zice si “inversata”, de obicei oamenii o numesc iluzie optica. Schimbarea spatiilor goale si a umbrelor ne poate produce confuzie producand astfel iluzia si totodata aprecierea acestor tatuaje.

tatuaj bratara

Tatuaje bratara - Tatuajele bratara sunt cele mai raspandite modele de tatuaje din lume. Le vedem peste tot – de pe bratul unui CEO pana pe multi motociclisti, pe femei tinere si pe batrani. Chiar daca le ascundem sau daca le aratam cu mandrie pe plaja sau strand, un tatuaj bratara ramane o alegere clasica de model de tatuaj. De obicei acest tatuaj se transforma in tatuaje pentru incheietura mainii sau glezna piciorului.

Ankh Tattoo Designs – Pentru egiptenii din lumea antica, simbolul ankh — o hiroglifa – inseamna “Viata”. Egiptologii inca incearca sa desluseasca semnificatia lui din lumea antica. Aceasta simbolizeaza si apa din ritualurile de purificare.

Tatuaje cu ingeri – acest tip de tatuaj este unul religios. Ingerii sunt antropomorfici – fiinte sub forma unui om – fiinte cu aripi ce doresc transmiterea cuvantului lui DUmnezeu catre oameni. Ingerii sunt si vor fii mereu mesagerii lui Dumnezeu.

Tatuaje coduri de baraCodul de bare este un sistem de inventariere si verificare a pretului ce functioneaza prin citirea codului vertical de pe produse cu un scanner optic. Sistemul a fost inventat si folosit pentru prima data in anii ‘50 si a fsot conceput pentru a sporii eficacitatea industriala si productivitatea muncii. Intr-o perioada de timp folosirea codului de bara a devenit aproape omniprezenta – au fost peste tot si aproape pe orice. Tatuajele cu cod de bara se aplica in general pe gat, brate si coapse.

Tatuaje cu albina sau viespe Omenirea are o istorie foarte indepartata cu albine si probabil si cu viespi. Exista dovezi arheologice ce ne arata ca acum cel putin zece mii de ani oamenii foloseau albinele pentru mierea lor – si au gasit in asta o comoara. Exista o posibilitate ca si oamenii de neandertal sa fii folosit aceasta practica de “culturi de albine”. Noi probabil am urmarit “comoara dulce” inca de la inceputurile noastre.

Tatuaje cu pasare – Pasarile, reale sau de basm, au fost unele dintre cele mai populare tatuaje si simboluri in ultimele sute de ani. Este greu sa ne imaginam de exemplu un tatuaj american fara un vultur sau un tatuaj japonez fara pasarea Phoenix. Pasarile sunt niste metafore foarte puternice asupra starilor si etapelor din viata noastra. In toata lumea pasarile au fost alese sa reprezinte un spectru foarte larg de emotii unamne si fiecare tara si cultura are povesti si mituri unde pasarile joaca un rol principal.

Tatuaje cu Buddha Siddhartha Guatama a fost nascut ca print, dar unul din geniile prezente la nastere a prezis o maretie si importanta ce depasea orice statut regal. El a fsot convins ca Siddhartha va obtine ‘intelepciunea suprema’, asa a devenit Buddha.

Tatuaje budisteMajoritatea simbolurilor cunoscute de noi ca Budiste isi au originea in cultura/traditia indiana (hindusa), deoarece in aceasta cultura si religie Printul Siddhartha Gautama, mai tarziu cunoscut ca Buddha, a fost nascut. Abia dupa cateva secole dupa moartea sa simbolurile legate specific de Buddha, si de religia lui au prins forma si viata.

Tatuaje cu fluturiUnul din cele mai raspandite tatuaje printre femei, fluturul scoate la iveala influenta feminina din cultura tatuajelor. La modul general vorbind, tatuajele cu fluturi sunt unele dintre cele mai adorate de femei. Frumusetea psihica si zborul din floare in floare cautand nectar au facut fluturii sinonimi cu aspectele superficiale si instabile ale sufletului uman. In mitologia greaca psihicul a fost reprezentat prin aripi de fluture. Totul este despre ridicarea sufletului si iesirea din cocon, transformarea dintr-un terestru intr-o fiinta a aerului. In unele culturi se crede ca fluturii carau sufletele spre cer.

Tatuaje cu cruci celtice – If you are Irish, Scottish, or Welsh, the Celtic Cross may be more symbolic of your ethnic heritage than of faith. And that goes for other Celts as well, in Brittany, Cornwall, Galicia and the Isle of Mann.

Celtic cross tattoosBut if you are Scandinavian you may also be drawn to the Celtic Cross, as Norse art and Celtic art heavily influenced each other and it is still unclear as to the exact origin of the forms. Clearly there were exchanges between cultures through both trade and conquest. The complexity of Celtic design is thought to mimic or echo the complexity of nature, the use of Celtic knots in spirals and mazes, the intricate interweaving showing no beginning and no end, reflective of the cycles of the seasons and of life.

Tatuaje cu noduri celtice – Celtic knot designs while at first and foremost decorative on the surface, are at their roots very culturally significant and deeply symbolic. And so too can be Celtic tattoo designs.

Celtic tattoo designs are primarily a genre of complex interwoven lines representing knots, mazes, spirals and other figures. Celtic animal figures are zoomorphic or stylized renderings of animals that were used for carvings, in jewelry and wood, stonework and manuscript illustrations. Many images used by tattoo artists today are derived from the famous Irish Book of Kells. Celtic knot tattoosThere are strong Norse design influences in Celtic knot work, and there is some debate as to the exact origin. Clearly there were exchanges between cultures through both trade and conquest. The complexity of Celtic design is thought to mimic or echo the complexity of nature, the use of Celtic knots in spirals and mazes, the intricate interweaving showing no beginning and no end, reflective of the cycles of the seasons and of life.

Cheetah tattoo design meaningsTatuaje cu gheparzi – As an animal totem and a tattoo design, the cheetah symbolizes swiftness, insight and focus. Of all the big cats, the cheetah is the fastest, capable of reaching speeds of more than 100 km/h – 68 mph – in 3 seconds. This dazzling display of acceleration makes the cheetah the fastest land animal on the planet and helps account in part for its immense popularity. With its small head, narrow waist and long tail, the cheetah is built for speed. A deep chest accommodates a heart that accelerates rapidly when giving chase. Its success as a hunter depends on its speed and the ability to finish off its prey with one powerful bite to the throat. Devouring its kill before other predators arrive on the scene is essential for the cheetah, since the physical toll of the chase leaves it exhausted and vulnerable. Hauling its prey high into a tree – like its close cousin, the leopard – is beyond the cheetah’s ability. For these reasons, the cheetah is also among the shyest and most reclusive of the big cats.

Chinese charactersTatuaje cu infatisari chinezesti – a growing interest, perhaps showing the influence of the popularity in Japanese and other Asian tattoo styles. Chinese characters or Han characters (汉字/漢字) are logograms used in the written forms of the Chinese language, and to varying degrees in the Japanese and Korean languages (though the latter only in South Korea). Use of Chinese characters has disappeared from the Vietnamese language — in which they were used until the 20th century — and from North Korea, where they have been completely replaced by Hangul.

Tatuaje cu simboluri zodiacale chinezesti – The 12 animals represented in the Chinese Zodiac are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. There are many legends to explain the beginning of the zodiac. This fortune-telling system is derived from the principle characteristics of the system: the Zodiac, the five elements of Chinese thought, calendrical cycles based on astronomy, and ancient Chinese religion.

Cross tattoo design meaningsTatuaje cu cruci – As a tattoo design or symbol, there is perhaps no religious icon or symbol more universally recognized today than the Christian Cross. Religious symbolism is prominently featured in several tattoo design genres, both ancient and modern, and in fact it could be argued that all traditional tattooing among indigenous peoples has a strong spiritual element.

Cupid tattoos... what do they meanTatuaje cu cupidonIn Roman mythology, Cupid (Latin cupido) is the god of erotic love. He is equated with the Greek god Eros, and another one of his Latin names Amor (cognate with Kama). In popular culture Cupid is frequently shown shooting his bow to inspire romantic love, often as an icon of Valentine’s Day. Cupid as a holiday character and symbol usually represents Valentines Day and the emotion of love…

Knife and dagger tattoo symbol meaningsTatuaje cu pumnale – cutite – Dagger and knife tattoo designs and symbols are a reoccurring theme and image (that means they pop up a lot!) in many different tattoo genres and eras, and are often tattooed by themselves as a singular object or as an integral part of a gruesome tale! Dagger images are very popular in Old School tattoo designs, as well as New School…

Death tattoo designTatuaje legate de moarte – Of all the things that we can be sure of in life, the only thing we can know with absolute certainty is that we will die. Death is inevitable. From the moment of birth we all begin the long, or perhaps tragically short, march towards death. We will all leave this mortal coil. We will all, regardless of social status or rank, Kings and peasants alike, be consumed by fire & flame or by worms…

Death's head tattoo designsTatuaje cu cranii – “Death Head” Skull is used to describe a military insignia featuring a skull above crossed bones. It is distinguished from the similar traditions of the skull and crossbones and the Jolly Roger (pirate symbol) by the fact that the bones are positioned directly behind the skull.

Demon tattoo design ideasTatuaje cu demoni – Demons, in one form or another, are prominently featured in the history of tattooing, both ancient and modern and in many different tattoo cultures and modern tattoo design genres. Demons are potent tattoo designs, rich with meaning and symbolism.

Devil tattoo design ideasTatuaje Devil – The devil is the name given to a supernatural entity, who, in most Western religions, is the central embodiment of evil. This entity is commonly referred to by a variety of other names, including Satan, Asmodai, Beelzebub, Lucifer and/or Mephistopheles. In classic demonology, however, each of these alternate names refers to a specific supernatural entity, and there is significant disagreement as to whether any of these specific entities is actually evil.

Dolphin tattoo designsTatuaje cu delfini – The popularity of the dolphin tattoo design can most definitely be traced back to a long standing empathy and understanding between our two species. Humans and dolphins have co-existed for thousands of years, and the more we continue to learn about these creatures, the more we come to believe that the dolphin carries a divine spark that separates them from other animals. Early man was fascinated by the obvious intelligence of dolphins and their ability to herd schools of fish to make it easier to prey upon them.

Dolphin tattoo designsTo the ancient Greeks and Romans, dolphins were revered among sailors as symbols of divine protection and guidance, aided no doubt by the dolphin’s habit of surfing the bow wave of ships at sea. It was thought that dolphins would assist lost sailors back to their home ports and rescue sailors that fell overboard and take them back to shore. In Greece, killing a dolphin was comparable to killing a human and was a crime punishable by death. For dolphins were seen to be messengers for the Gods, and were closely associated with Poseidon’s daughters, the Nereids, the goddess of love Aphrodite, the heroine Galatea and the music-loving sun god, Apollo. It was said that the constellation Delphinus, the dolphin, was put in the sky by Poseidon in gratitude to the dolphins for finding his bride Amphitrite.

Dragon tattoo designsTatuaje cu dragoni – The dragon is a ‘classic’ tattoo motif, popular with both men and women. As a tattoo design the dragon shows the profound influence that Japanese and Chinese culture have had in Western tattooing for nearly two centuries. In the Far East, the dragon represents the Four Elements – Earth, Wind, Fire and Water – and the four points of the compass – East, West, North and South – and dragons are simultaneously a symbol of Water, Earth, Underworld and Sky. The dragon is a culturally far-ranging character whose apparent bad temper should be interpreted as simply amoral, neither good nor evil. The forces of nature are not human-hearted, representing as they do the cycle of life and death, followed again by birth and renewal. Nature nurtures and nature destroys. So too, does the dragon.

By the looks of them, dragons have been around since the dawn of time. These giant, winged, fire-breathing lizards are reminiscent of the prehistoric creatures – dinosaurs, no less – that once roamed the earth millions of years ago, but the fact is, the dragon grew out of the human imagination. However, the genesis of the mighty dragon may have been helped in no small part by the discovery in China and other parts the world of the fossil remains of dinosaurs and other gigantic reptiles. The dragon came to represent both the beneficent and malevolent elements, depending on which part of the world it breathed its fiery breath.

In China, these mythological creatures were the symbol of both the supernatural and of imperial power, residing in the heavenly realms. They were often spotted looming around thunder clouds, and became the deities of rain, producing downpours when it suited them. As shape-shifting creatures, they became so embedded in the myths and legends of Chinese culture, that the dragon is said to be the ancestor of the Chinese people. In Japan, a similar claim was made when a certain emperor declared that he was a direct descendant, himself, of the powerful and immortal dragon. It’s not surprising then, that the image of the dragon appeared on the robes of the emperor, signifying the protective powers of the dragon as well as the temporal power of the emperor.

As Dragons were said to represent the Four Elements, so the stories and myths of dragons who had dominion over Air, Water, Earth and Fire. Each of these elemental dragons had unique characteristics that had to be taken into consideration. To the Chinese, the fire-spitting dragon was principally associated with lightning, and by extension to thunder and rainmaking, which made it a symbol of fertility. All this celestial activity was how Earth and Water elements were united. Water dragons were thought to protect and act as guardians of streams, lakes, rivers and even individual pools. It was thought that dragons were able to make springs bubble from the ground.

Tribal tattoo designTatuaje tribale – accounts for nearly a third of all tattoo design search requests, and the term “tribal” of course covers an astonishing array of tattoo design possibilities, from the traditional tribal tattoos of indigenous and aboriginal cultures, to the latest in graphic design for the body.

The History of the Tribal Tattoo Design
Most likely, the very first tattoo happened on accident. All it takes is a few rowdy primitives playing around the fire. It wouldn’t take long for someone to fall in, get poked with a charred stick and later heal before they’d realized that they were on to something. The news probably spread as fast as the fires that prompted the invention. As a matter of fact, it is rumored that the first tattoos were of the sun or flames in honor of the sun god(s).

There were three major factors that took the practice of tribal tattooing from the realm of art and into the plane of the spiritual: Pain, Permanence and Loss of the Life Source (blood). This mystical trio elevated the tattoo from mere art and transformed it into a chance to draw people into a relationship with God, a god, magic powers, or a trance or vision state.

Because body and soul were generally thought to be identical to one another, your tattoos then existed on two planes: the physical and spiritual realms. Many of the tribes from Borneo believed that tattoos would not only be enough to get them to the proper spirit world, but that their tattoos also offered them special qualifications for advantageous occupations upon their arrival.

It has been found that most (if not all) primitive tribes used some form of body marking, be they tattoos, scarifications or the use of plain, temporary body paints. This art prevailed worldwide until the arrival of civilization as we know it, when the tattoo fell into a temporary loss of popularity.

Times May Change, But The Reasons Stay the Same
In ancient times, tribal tattoo art was popular for many of the same reasons it is so alluring today. Tribal tattoos were employed for many motives.

To Identify Clans, Tribes and Families
Originally (and hence the name) tribal tattoos were employed to identify and group tribes, clans and families together. Not only did this enable you to easily identify one another, or recognize distant relatives, but it was generally believed that your tattoos would allow you to find your tribe and join it again in the afterlife. Today, fraternal orders, gangs, members of the military and other organizations also have designed tattoos that are recognizable to their fellow brothers and sisters.

Marriage Tattoos
In addition to a tribal tattoo, ancient men and women may also wear a marriage tattoo. Not only would this serve the same function as the modern day wedding ring (as a witness to your commitment to another), but again, would allow you to find your spouse in the afterlife. This was understandably important when husbands and wives would “cross the veil” several years apart from one another. In modern times, this form of tribal tattoo is still prevalent, and you will often see spouses and life-mates with matching tattooed armbands, “rings”, initials, and hearts as a permanent witness to their love and fidelity.

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